Happy President’s Day Weekend! Celebrate by checking out some of the past President’s favorite fruits:
“As a young man, making what would be his first and only trip outside of North America, George Washington recorded in his diary the culinary wonders he had found on the island of Barbados. Among the fruits he enjoyed on the trip were “China Orange” and “Avagado” (avocado). However, Washington admitted that while the pear was “generally most admired…none pleases my taste as do’s the Pine.” – MountVernon.Org
Abraham Lincoln: Apples
“Mrs. Lincoln always had a sufficiency of this fruit chosen carefully and readily at hand,” Crook writes in Memories of the White House (1911). The health-conscious statesman considered these a dietary staple. “Apples,” he said, “agree with me… a large per cent of professional men abuse their stomachs by imprudence in drinking and eating, and in that way health is injured and life is shortened.” –Mentalfloss.com
Thomas Jefferson: PawPaw
“The country of Jefferson’s youth was filled with wild pawpaws. Later in life, records he kept show Asimina triloba (our common pawpaw) as having been planted on his estate. Jefferson also sent pawpaw seeds to associates in Europe, as the plant was considered an exceptional and unique American biological discovery.” –WashingtonPost.com
Theodore Roosevelt: Cantaloupe
“When Mrs. Roosevelt or the children are present, the luncheon consists of cold meat, tea, cantaloupe in season, and bread.” –Rsvlts.com