Dear Daylight Customers,

RE: Chopped Romaine – E. coli Outbreak.

The Center for Disease control and Prevention (CDC) issued a broad scale public health notice indicating that chopped romaine lettuce from Yuma, AZ growing region could be contaminated with Shiga Toxin producing E. coli O157:H7.

At this time, no common grower, supplier, distributor, or brand has been identified. Daylight has done its due diligence in verifying from its suppliers if our lots are affected.

Please see attached letter of Assurance from our chopped romaine suppliers (Taylor Farms) stating that our lots are not affected.

UPDATE: Out of abundance of caution Daylight Foods is not shipping any Chopped Romaine starting tonight.

This investigation is ongoing, and CDC will provide updates when more information is available and we will continue to update our customers as information comes in.

Feel free to call us with any questions regarding this outbreak on our customer service line 408.284.7300.


Daylight Foods, Inc

Quality Assurance Team