We all know about the outbreak of respiratory disease by COVID-19, impacting throughout the world and further worse on people with low immune system. Daylight Foods is well aware of the outbreak and we are doing our best to educate and communicate with every employee and vendor, ensuring they are not affected by the virus or showing symptoms.

Although there is no evidence that fresh produce transfers the virus, the Daylight Food is geared up to strengthen its food safety against COVID-19 through educating employee’s for

  • clean environment
  • personal hygiene
  • separate ill employees
  • hand washing and GMP policies
  • sneeze/cough use tissue or distance > 6ft from neighbor individuals
We have installed new sanitizer (60-90% ethyl alcohol) dispensers at employee point of entries and loading docks. Daylight Foods have restricted international vendors and educate our drivers for usage of N95 respiratory masks if required.

Our department Managers and HR team continuously communication about; hand wash, signs of fever and international travel plans. Further, we are strictly prohibiting any confirmed ill employees from entering the facility during the course of infection. Please click here for the CDC link outlining the safety measures for employees at food business.

Do not panic, follow instructions, and stay well!
Feel free to contact us @ (510) 931-4207 with any questions.
Daylight Foods
Quality Assurance Team